personalKarla LimComment

Say hello to our little family

personalKarla LimComment
Say hello to our little family

Chase is 10 weeks old! It's been a whirlwind of the days and nights since the baby has arrived into our lives. Like everyone says, "Life will never be the same again" and it couldn't have been more true! Every day there's a new challenge or phase, and we're trying to just roll with the punches (so much easier said than done). Everyone tells us to enjoy this newborn phase, as it passes by so quickly (feels so much longer when you’re in it). We’ve been labeling everything as a “growth spurt”, LOL!

But it’s so true. They said that the first three months is like the fourth trimester, and so much growth is happening in Chase’s brain, much more than it’ll grow throughout his life. So, he’s also learning, while we are also learning. Parenthood has stretched us and taught us in so many ways we didn’t know possible. C & I have always been very independent people but with the baby we couldn't be more grateful for help. We totally understand now why they say “it takes a village”. Our family and friends have poured over us an abundance of help and prayers, and we are so grateful to be able to share our little blessing with them, too.

Now that Chase is a little over two months old, he’s really quite a smiley and happy little one, so it feels like all the hard work melts away when he coos and gurgles and gives you the biggest smile ever.

Here’s some photos of us in our first few weeks with baby, thanks to our friend and photographer Nadia Hung, and some of them are taken by me. Taking photos of these memories have been so important for me, it helps me treasure the moments in the toughest times.

Ever since Chase joined our lives, I’ve felt my world change so much. Every day is a battle! (LOL!) I’ve learned so much about God, His love and faithfulness. Needed God more than ever - I don’t think I’ve prayed so much in my life. Parenthood has humbled me so much, taught me to be okay with dependence and acceptance of help, and has brought me also to a journey of healing. So incredibly grateful for fellow mom friends, the support of family, and the prayers that have surrounded us. I will share about my postpartum journey in another post :)
