Our Trip to Maui

Our Trip to Maui

Maui will always be our special place, because that’s where we got married! To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary and C’s bro’s 10th wedding anniversary, we all headed to Maui with Mahmah for a week. So much sunshine, delicious poke and acai bowls, beach, family time, here we go!!!

Flight to Maui

Gratefully Vancouver has so many direct flights to places, including Maui. The flight’s almost always in the evening, from like 6pm to 12mn, so we knew Chase will need to sleep at some point. At this time, Chase was still on two naps, and normally Chase would fall asleep fairly quickly for the second nap still, but since he was in the carrier with so much distraction, it took him forever to fall asleep. Then, the annoying part was that on the flight, they wouldn’t let me wear the carrier with Chase napping, they wanted him out (GRR!) I knew that if we took him out, he would totally wake up, he’s just that type! Anyway, he woke up and entertained everyone with his silliness. Brought toys and snacks galore until he passed out way past his bedtime ‘cause he was also super stimulated.

And of course, once we actually arrived I wish I could say it was smooth-sailing, but no! I had failed to call the condo hotel earlier, so we didn’t have information on our room and access code. Gratefully, Expedia was able to get a hold of their after-hours crew and we got access to our room at around 11pm which was closer to 2am already. We rented a car seat from car rental shop so we didn’t have to bring it on the trip, and also we got Chase’s crib, high chair and other rental items all from Maui on the Fly which was great, because they already assembled it and had it delivered to our room. But, the room was steaming hot like 29 degrees when we got to it, we had to fire up the AC and get Chase comfortable so he could sleep. Hence, he didn’t sleep with any sleep sacks on this trip, just his sleeveless onesies!

The very next day

Of course we're all up and awake pretty early in spite of the time difference and the late night, so our little family headed on over to McDonalds for some breakfast, and also went to Foodland for poke and groceries for the week. Chase wanted to get a balloon, so he got one and couldn’t help playing with it. Once his cousins were up… their first agenda was to go to… Target!! Haha, of course we tagged along. Chase fell asleep on the car ride there. So cute! Then, we headed back home to eat some lunch. It was so cute to see Chase trying to disrupt the girls from their eating and playing. That evening, we went to Gannon’s for a fancy dinner.

It was quite yummy and mommy got to enjoy some delicious oysters. The girls and Chase enjoyed finding geckos and counting them. When we got home, we found these giant snails on the ground and the girls were totally so excited about them.

Day 3

Beach day, woohoo! But first, breakfast! we got ourselves some delicious cinnamon buns and croissant sandwiches at a nearby mall (seriously what is with Hawaii and the bazillion reviews they have of every restaurant?) We had breakfast on one of the picnic tables by the beach. Then, we gave Chase his first taste of the beach. Or more like he tried it himself… by eating tons of sand lol. He definitely enjoyed getting it everywhere and smushing it through his hands.