Gender Reveal: Baby Chew 2

Gender Reveal: Baby Chew 2

If you asked us 3+ years ago if we would have another baby, the answer would’ve been no. C and I had always been fairly realistic about our capacities especially with C’s health, my work, our mental health, and it just seemed like too much.

But God truly works in mysterious ways. He planted the seed and Clement and I prayed about this for a long time. One of the primary reasons truly had been Clement’s health. By His grace, C’s health has drastically improved in the past few years. If you’ve been following him on Instagram @chewspec, he has taken up road cycling and has spent more time outdoors than I have the past year. I know road cycling comes with its own set of expenses (HAHA!) but I could not be more grateful that he is ABLE to do it without fear and anxiety that used to plague his mind and body.

Another huge change was definitely my work direction. Written Word used to be very wedding-focused, but as Chase grew up, I knew my work hours couldn’t ever be as long as they were before. So by God’s grace, He led me towards expanding my business in the realm of online courses. In a span of 2 years, we grew the courses from beginner to business/masterclass level. This provided me with a bit more flexibility in time and scalability as well, no longer limiting me to dealing with 1-2 clients at a time. At the same time, as we grew Written Word Academy, I felt that we needed to also launch products so that the students would be able to get the items from the same place. 2021 was the first year that our product side overtook both my online courses and wedding invitations revenue. By God’s grace, He also helped me grow my team so that I could spend my weekends completely with family.

I was always fearful that when I became a mom, I would get left behind in the industry and that things wouldn’t be the same again, especially after I experienced postpartum anxiety and still continue to struggle with anxiety every now and then. But this journey of faith and struggle that God led me through, truly showed me how His mercy and grace is waaay more than I ever needed.

I remember very vividly one time at church (we go to Tap Nights), where the message was about the Feeding of the Five Thousand, where there was this young boy, with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes (packed by his mother of course, haha). And Jesus took his offering, blessed it, and was able to feed 5000 men (not even counting women and children) and even had 12 baskets of food leftover. And that was such a poignant moment for me - reminding me how small I was, and about how little I can offer, yet God is able to do far beyond we can ever ask or imagine.

Last August, Clement and I went to visit our families in Calgary and Edmonton and we had such an enriching and relaxing time. Chase was the youngest cousin there but he had so much fun playing with his cousins, that I felt I had a truly relaxing vacation (can’t say that for most vacations these days) I sat down, read books, took naps, because Chase was so excited to be with his older cousins. It was after this that Chase started to tell us that he actually would like to have an older sibling (LOL, honey it doesn’t work that way haha), but prior to this trip he was pretty against having any sibling at all and wanted mommy and daddy all to himself (as he said). But definitely helped us change our perspective as well. C and I both have siblings and we knew how fun (and how crazy) it was to have siblings. I mean, I remember as a young child how often my sisters and I fought and squabbled and it was truly only when we were adults that our relationship mended and grew to what it was today. Last year, my mom had cancer and during this time it was really cool to see us band as a family to help out and be present for our mother. It surely isn’t going to be bells and whistles all the time having a sibling, but it is a glimpse of the nature of life where we get to live it together, flaws and fabulousness and all.

I have no idea what it would be like when Baby 2 comes - but I also know how futile my worries are. God is able and willing to help us journey through this exciting and crazy time. Being a boy mama I surely didn’t expect to be a girl mama as well. But we truly praise God for this blessing. I wish I could tell you that I don’t worry anymore, or that I don’t feel anxious especially after having two miscarriages. But I know how low I hit and God was able to lift me out of my miry pit, and that He had a plan for every tough corner we’ve hit - it’s only made us stronger in Him.

Baby girl, I’m so excited to be your mama. As I start to feel your little flutters in my belly, I pray for you. Being a girl isn’t easy. We have so many roles to play and every season will challenge you and shape you. I pray that you will be strong in character and mind to face any struggle with God right by your side. You are not alone. We’re right here for you. We can’t wait to meet you. Love, mommy.

xoxo, K